Truth Table and Boolean Equation:
All inputs are 'zero' so the all the lights are OFF
First input is 'one' so Red Light (first) is ON
Second input is 'one' so Yellow Light (Second) is ON
Third input is 'one' so Green Light (Third) is ON
All three inputs are 'one' so all lights are OFF
Two inputs are 'one' so all lights are OFF
Traffic Light assignment was really easy, first I thought we actually have to make it using circuits (I wanted to make an actual circuits and with LED’s) but we just had to make a simulation using logic gates. For the assignment I made the truth table first, then I made the equation and I made the Logic Diagram using LOGICLY. The diagram itself was not hard to make, I tried to simplify the equation but it was not possible. I took screenshots of the Logic Diagram with different inputs to show how the logic gates work in a traffic light.